New Treadmill Desk Designs Are Great
New Treadmill Desk Designs Are Great.

New Designs Are In The Works
Hello I’m Steve Paterson and Corporate Wellness is so important these days it just can’t be ignored. The real question is what are the best tools to provide Wellness options for your people?
When I found the Treadmill Desk I knew this was an awesome tool if it was delivered properly. Click the button below to tell us where to FedX it! Get Your FREE Fitness Room Packet (For Management)
The 2 major issues we’ve solved are: low treadmill quality and placement inside the personal workspace.
Our research has proven the best use of a Treadmill Workstation is not in your personal office space. The most efficient and cost effective placement is in an open area accessible for all to use. So 1 treadmill workstation can be used by 5 to 15 people each day.
At a cost of about $.75 cents per hour walked, per employee, it is your best Wellness ROI.
We found that treadmill quality was not being delivered with the Treadmill-Desk-Workstations on the market. They could handle only 1 or 2 users a day. And they were smaller in size so they could fit inside a person’s office space.
We deliver an Enterprise, (heavy duty), Treadmill Desk Workstation to be used by everyone. On a month to month agreement that includes the Treadmill maintenance & repairs. With a simple monthly rental payment, you can deliver this effective Wellness tool for all your people.
This is an easy agreement to get started because it is NOT A LEASE. You can cancel with a 30-day notice.
New Treadmill Desk Designs Are Great.
Call Tel: 1-877-736-8348