Coeur d’Alene Idaho Manufactures Wellness
Coeur d’Alene Idaho will manufacture Wellness and ship the locally made, ‘Walking Workstations‘ to Corporations around the World.
Coeur d’Alene Idaho is a great place to live and an even greater place to build & INNOVATE products. There is a vibrant entrepreneurial community living in Coeur d’Alene. Many are members of the Innovation Collective group supporting a great place to live and operate a business.
Currently the Corporate Wellness market is a 6 Billion dollar a year industry in America. And getting ready to explode due to the Health Insurance companies change of focus.
By trying to decrease the REACTIVE spending on medical costs to more PROACTIVE spending on Wellness.
This will greatly increase the spending on Corporate Wellness.
This is where this great city of Coeur d’Alene comes into the picture. I moved from Los Angeles to Coeur d’Alene in 2008 and have found the local “Maker” industry to be one of the best places in America to INNOVATE and build new things.
I have been in the Corporate Fitness & Wellness industry since 1989 and my experience tells me the product that will make the biggest impact on Wellness is the Walking Workstation: “A place to work and walk at the same time.”
So the mission has begun. I am in the process of building the best team to INNOVATE and build the greatest walking workstations the World has ever seen. This will be a Coeur d’Alene team made up of the great men & women right here in Idaho.
Who wants to be on this team?
We need investors, innovators, builders, outbound marketing and sales teams.
Right now the Walking workstations are called Treadmill-Desk and basically it’s just a desk and a treadmill.
I see the future to be a technologically advanced walking workstation that will be light weight, easily moveable, and MOTORLESS. With monitoring technology to show who is walking and how many steps each employee completes each workday. Sending this information to a database that can be shared with Insurance companies as well as to corporate management at the larger “Self Insured” companies.
Will this High-Tech walking workstation be built by a 3D printer?
Or will it be built with the newest AEROSPACE materials that make it light-weight and stronger than steel?
I know for sure that Innovation will figure out the best way to deliver this wellness machine to solve the HUGE problem of too much sitting at work. Figuring out how to make it easier to walk & work while improving productivity in the workplace. I know the greatest Innovation advancements will be made right here in Coeur d’Alene.

Future Design
Together we will Innovate a different design for different working environments.
One design for coders, another for the Corporate conference rooms.
Imagine a “Power Conference Room” where everybody in the conference will be walking and talking. Then another unique design for “Call-Centers” and “Sales offices.” Many work activities accomplished while walking can improve wellness and increase productivity with our new designs.
Imagine employees all over the World getting up from their office chair and going to the walking workstation to be more productive while walking and working. Imagine 90% of employees walking while working at least an hour or two every day! Making their mind more engaged and adding wellness to their lives.
WHAT IF, at the 2017 Think-Big Festival the speakers and the audience are walking on our workstations?
With our company mission of constant and never-ending improvement of the work while walking environment.
The sky is the limit in this wellness category. How about the idea of no electricity required with a built-in generator that produces electricity from the user’s walking. Making its own electricity to charge smartphones, tablets, & laptops while walking. That would make sure our walking workstation can be used anywhere. No plug-ins required.
Then how about the desk itself actually being the computer & keyboard with touch-screen technology?
The way I see this new Wellness company being built is the TEAM members are the owners. Where you can get a paycheck and bonus checks based on the profitability of the Company.
A company employee owned. Embraced by the city of Coeur d’Alene.
Bringing the best minds together making the greatest wellness product and shipping them around the World.
A great product requires a great team and a great team requires a wellness lifestyle. The more wellness our team has the more productive we will be and the greater success will come to our company because of the increased productivity.
Increased team productivity = Increased Innovation!
So I am making a call to action. A call to you in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. What do you have to offer to this team? Let’s get this company going because the time for wellness Innovation is NOW!

Steve Paterson
Hello, I am Steve Paterson and an 8 year resident of Coeur d’Alene. I am a member of the Innovation Collective Group and very excited to Innovate this wellness product right here in Coeur d’Alene. Let’s build this new Company quickly and I hope to get you involved. Right now the walking workstation is in the MODEL-T stage of development. So we only have one way to go and that is UP!
Please contact me.
MOBILE: 714-308-five-seven-eight-four.