Rent Gym Equipment Portland Oregon
Rent Gym Equipment Portland Oregon has to say about this city. In any list of America’s top fitness cities, Portland Oregon consistently turns up in the top three. In fact, for two years in a row, Men’s Fitness magazine has named Portland as the fittest city in the country, thanks not only to its many gyms, bike paths, and indoor/outdoor recreation centers but also because of the number of people who use them on a regular basis.
As one of the nation’s most health-conscious cities, Portland Oregon also boasts an active and successful corporate fitness community. This is one of the reasons we have moved The Rent Fitness Equipment Company to Portland Oregon. Partly due to the many corporations that choose to implement fitness strategies into their corporate culture – but it’s also because of the many employees who are eager to participate in these fitness programs for the betterment of workplace performance and personal health.
Rent Gym Equipment Portland Oregon.
According to the Institute for HealthCare Consumerism (IHC), employee health costs can take up more than 50 percent of a company’s profits – plus, there’s the huge financial loss incurred due to employee sickness and physical disability. In addition, an IHC analysis of 42 recent studies shows that corporate fitness/wellness programs can result in a 28 percent reduction in employee sick days, a 26 percent reduction in healthcare costs, and a 30 percent reduction in disability management and workers’ compensation claims.
If you’re looking for ways to develop an efficient, employee-friendly fitness and wellness community within your business, here are some programs you can implement into the company culture.
Rent Gym Equipment Portland Oregon.

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On-site Corporate Fitness Facilities:
- An increasing number of corporations are enjoying the advantages of onsite corporate fitness facilities equipped with treadmills, exercise bikes and other types of equipment. Employee members can conveniently avail themselves of this facility during lunch breaks, days off, or immediately before and after working hours.
Wellness Incentives:
- Many corporations provide wellness incentives for employees who actively participate in company fitness programs. These can include cash bonuses, insurance discounts, or prizes such as tickets to sporting or music events. These incentives not only provide motivation; they also help create a more positive working environment.
How the ACA, affordable-care-act also called Obamacare, Can Help Your Wellness Program.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employees who successfully participate in a wellness program are now allowed to receive as much as a 30 percent reduction on the cost of health coverage, as opposed to the previous maximum of 20 percent. Likewise, under the ACA, employees can now receive a maximum reward of 50 percent if they successfully participate in programs designed to reduce or prevent the use of tobacco products.
This means that if an employee loses weight or reduces their cholesterol through participating in the corporate wellness program, he or she can reduce their company health coverage payments by as much as 30 percent. Likewise, employees who successfully quit smoking through a corporate wellness program can reduce their health coverage payments by as much as 50 percent.
In addition, the ACA is currently formulating a number of tax incentives for companies with employee wellness programs. While these have not yet been implemented, they should include bonus deductions and other attractive perks for eligible companies.
Rent Gym Equipment Portland Oregon.
According to statistics from the Oregon Public Health Department, a staggering 60 percent of Oregonians classify as being overweight. On the plus side, many are trying to combat it, with more than 56 percent of Oregonians participate in some type of regular exercise. With statistics like these, it’s no wonder that, according to a 2014 study conducted by Virgin Pulse, 87 percent of employees believe that their corporate fitness programs help enhance their workplace culture.
In 2011, the Portland business community launched Wellness@Work, a statewide initiative encouraging corporations to implement wellness programs within the workplace. Today, a large number of Portland companies, from small businesses to major international corporations, have implemented highly-effective wellness programs into their corporate culture.
Here are a few examples:
- The Portland branch of nationally-known Ruby Receptionists offers regular yoga sessions for its employees.
- The Portland branch of internationally-known Boeing Corporation sponsors an interactive Boeing Wellness site, partnered with WebMD, with 24/7 health advice and tracking tools. The company also offers health coverage premium deductions for participation in their Boeing Wellness program.
- Columbia Sportswear, an internationally-known clothing company based in Portland, offers personalized health coaching sessions to all employees. Tobacco cessation classes and online wellness workshops are also available, and employees can get substantial discounts if they participate in off-site fitness or nutrition classes.
Smaller, locally-owned Portland businesses are also getting into the fitness act. For example, at Alta Planning & Design, employees are encouraged to bike to work, with incentives such as onsite indoor storage for 50 bikes, an onsite washer, shower and dryer for cleaning up, available loaner bikes for employees and company visitors, and a $125 annual reimbursement for bike tune-ups.
Rose City Mortgage sponsored an employee weight-loss competition and donated $5 for each pound lost to the Oregon Food Bank. In addition, at Citizen, a mobile technology company, employees are participating in a health-tracking program where they upload data on how much they sleep, what they eat, and how much they exercise – all in an effort to help formulate healthier lifestyle choices for a happier, more productive working environment.
Rent Fitness Equipment Company moved into the greater Portland Oregon area for all of these healthy lifestyle reasons. We came here to this healthy city of Portland, to serve the on-site fitness facilities. Multi-family Apartment fitness. Condo association HOA fitness centers. Hotel fitness centers. Government, Hospital & Rehabilitation gyms that are located in the Greater Portland Oregon area.
With its beautiful green parks and biking/hiking trails, lovely landscaped neighborhoods and abundance of recreational centers, Portland Oregon is a great place to pursue a healthy lifestyle – even at the office. It’s a proven fact that corporate fitness programs result in healthier, more productive workers. As studies show, the benefits far outweigh the costs — and most importantly, these benefits include a happier, healthier workforce for your company.
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