Did Oregon Approve Treadmill Desks In State Offices?

Treadmill Desk Workstation
We are waiting for Oregon to pass the bill that will bring Treadmill desk workstations to state employees offices.
Legislators in the State of Oregon are pushing a bill that would bring treadmill desk walking workstations to state offices.
The bill would set in motion a 2 year pilot program to test treadmill desk workstations inside Oregon state offices. A test to determine the effectiveness of working while walking.
Oregon is the first state to attempt to implement a state sponsored health insurance exchange following the Affordable Healthcare Act, (ACA). Oregon is showing there dedication to the public health of its employees.
If the bill passes it will create a more productive workforce and help lower the cost of healthcare.
The bill was introduced by Rep. Jim Thompson, who said he expects the bill to pass.
The treadmill desk workstation helps employees stay in motion while working. Employees can send emails, attend conference calls, watch “How-to” videos and read reports. And help fight the side effects of type 2 diabetes that is running rampant inside Americas Companies, without even breaking a sweat.
Employees will be more productive than sitting at a desk.
Walking while working helps employees live a higher quality of life. Manage high blood sugar, improve memory, burn calories and improve the general well being of employees at work. Oregon hopes to prove it.
The general purpose of this bill is to pass a budget to place treadmill desk workstations throughout common work areas. So employees that want to get up out of their chair and work while walking have a viable option in the office.
If this Oregon bill passes the state department of Labor and Industries, (DOLI), will try to implement this pilot program in other states. Adding a comprehensive employee wellness program in state offices. With the goal of stopping the problems caused by sitting all day.
DOLI works like a state government insurance agency, with the mission of keeping employees safe at work. DOLI says the nature of our goal is trying to prevent insurance claims by adding risk aversion.
The states Wellness 360 program intends to provide a holistic approach to employee health. These walking stations are a natural progression to the agencies Wellness program. Removing health risks from the physical factors in the work environment. Focusing on stress management by adding better management techniques.
Will Treadmill Desks become the New Norm inside state offices?
Oregon sure hopes so. This bill is currently in committee and waiting for budget approval.
Oregon is focusing on delivering Health over delivering medicine. Oregon is doing a great job trying hard, to do something about delivering health!
The bill will fund the cost of placing treadmill workstations around the office giving employees the option of walking while working.