Holiday Inn Hotel Rents Fitness Equipment
Holiday Inn Hotel Rents Fitness Equipment by using the Rental option and everything is taken of for them.

Holiday Inn Fitness Center
When you travel to Los Angeles, you want to stay at the best Holiday Inn Hotel fitness center.The Holiday Inn Hotel franchise are not known for having the ” Best Fitness Centers ” for their guests. Too many Hotel managers add light quality Gym equipment just throw some low quality gym equipment in a space and call it a fitness center.

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Holiday Inn Hotel Fitness Center. Recently the Holiday Inn Express in Los Angeles Ca. had their on-site hotel fitness center upgraded to Health Club Quality fitness equipment. They easily accomplished this with the Rent Fitness Equipment Company.
Rent Health Club quality gym equipment on only a month to month contract. That includes the regular equipment maintenance and FREE repairs forever.
EVERYTHING Was Taken Care Of For Us And All We Have To Do Is Provide The Hotel Guests To Use It.
Call Holiday Inn Express to book your room today. 323-850-8151 And enjoy a clean safe hotel room and a high-quality workout experience.
The best Holiday Inn Hotel fitness center in Los Angeles.
Enjoy the top of the line Life Fitness brand 95Ti treadmills. The Life Fitness brand 95XI elliptical cross-trainers. Life Fitness Next Generation recumbent bikes and the newest model concept ll rowing machine.
The Rent Fitness Equipment Company rents gym equipment to Holiday Inn hotels. If your Holiday Inn property needs an upgrade that is cost-effective and turn-key give us a call.
1-877-Rent-Fit. Send us an email: and let our rental fitness equipment experts plan out the best space for your Holiday Inn hotel fitness center. Our professional gym equipment service technicians will come to your hotel and do the preventive maintenance to keep your gym equipment working properly all the time. If an exercise machine breaks down we will come in and replace it with a new one or repair the broken machine in 7 business days or less.
The Rent Fitness Equipment Company thanks the Holiday Inn Corporation for their many years of business.

Steve Paterson
Hello Steve Paterson here, I want you to contact me and start a conversation to see how I can help your Hotel Fitness Facility.
Call Me 877-736-8348