Get Help Starting Your Corporate Fitness Wellness Program
Get Help Starting a new Corporate Fitness Wellness Program can be a daunting Task.
Here is where you can get some help getting started.

Corporate Fitness Wellness Facility
With Obamacare promising Corporations tax credits for helping employees get fit and healthy. Many Corporations are making the initial investment to start their own on-site corporate fitness & wellness program.

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This website is the ‘Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.’
The Affordable-Care-Act , (ACA), better known as Obamacare. Has positioned the CDC to add more resources to its workplace-wellness-tools. You can contact the CDC and get some very helpful assistance getting your corporate fitness program up and running.
This is the website for the Wellness Council of America.
This membership organization has free-resources with useful information and tools to help employees in Corporate America. This website has many useful tools, programs and training modules to help you make your Corporate fitness & wellness program an outstanding success. Once your Company becomes a member of this organization they will take you by the hand and assure you provide the best wellness & fitness program for your Company.
This is the website for ‘The Society Of Human Resources Management.’
This is a powerful source of articles about wellness & Fitness programs to help you get started on the right path. They show you how to log performance reviews and keep your employees on the right track. So your employees are engaged and happy while making successful progress on their road to a healthy fitness & wellness lifestyle.
Adding a fitness and wellness program to your Company is not just about Obamacare tax credits. Its about increasing employee productivity and morale as well as reducing insurance premiums.
Nobody starts a Company in America to save money on insurance premiums or to get Obamacare tax credits. But American Companies are really just a bunch of PEOPLE, working hard to make the Corporation successful.
The statistics have proven a solid ROI, and that must be the reason the ‘Affordable Care Act‘ is willing to give corporate tax credits for healthier employees. What saves the Government money will save your Company money. So its and easy WIN-WIN formula.
Healthy employees is the end product and healthy employees help a Company be more profitable. Which is the goal for every American Corporation.
The latest statistics show that 60% of American Companies offered a fitness & wellness program for their employees. Compared to only 51% just 6 years earlier.
Now the hard NEWS. Corporations are not in the business of operating and maintaining a Commercial quality on-site fitness and wellness program. So when it comes to your Health Club quality fitness equipment. Give the job to The Rent Fitness Equipment Company.
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