Corporate Wellness Innovations Great For America

Corporate Wellness
Corporate Wellness Innovations are helping America
Companies know they are better off with healthier employees. Corporate wellness innovations are WHY more companies are offering wellness & rewards programs to encourage employees to be more productive and healthy.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), says that 98% of companies that have 200 employees or more, offer a wellness program as part of their wellness benefits.
The new workplace wellness innovations are enabling companies to deliver more wellness programing for their employees. Some of the newest innovations are in telemedicine, monitoring devices, wellness tools like treadmill desk and on-site corporate fitness centers that help employees improve their “WELLNESS.”

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The workplace wellness industry has grown into a $6 Billion dollar a year business in America.
Rising health care costs have changed the wellness game from sickness to wellness. And more companies are taking proactive approaches to improve wellness because they have to. Obamacare (ACA), gives incentives to encourage companies to add wellness programs as a tool to help lower health insurance costs.
The Affordable Care Act says they will give TAX CREDITS to companies who provide these benefits to employees.
It’s clear that corporations are interested in containing health insurance costs.
Taking a holistic approach to improve investments in workplace wellness, the same way companies invest in employee training, development and safety. Looking after the well-being of your employees will improve their productivity.
The CDC, says the most expensive health conditions of employees that hurt Americas bottom line are high blood pressure, heart attacks, and diabetes. The CDC says that a 1% improvement in these areas has shown to save a company from $83 to $103 annually,(per person), in health care costs. To say it simply, for every dollar invested in corporate wellness yields a return of $3 dollars in health care savings.
Corporate strategies aim to help reduce the risk factors to prevent chronic diseases and help to improve employee wellness. The more employees improve their wellness, keeps them from getting the more costlier illnesses.
How about healthier employees are happier & more productive at work.
Wellness works for American business. Aetna Insurance found that 1 in 5 Americans are participating in a corporate wellness program. Programs like treadmill desks, on-site fitness centers, smoking cessation, weight watchers, and relaxation programs like yoga & meditation.

Work On A Treadmill Desk
Sometimes companies that offer wellness programs have a hard time getting employees to stick with wellness programs. CEO of the Vitality company,
Alan Pollard says “Companies need to make wellness fun and engaging. Wellness should be something employees want to participate in and not something they are forced to do.“
It starts with a health screening so employees are aware of potential health risks. Then rewards are offered to motivate people to change their activities to improve their health. Corporate wellness INNOVATIONS are helping to improve wellness and moving the focus to Wellness-Care and less on Sickness-Care. Making an important improvement in employee wellness.
Buy a FitBit and participate in your company’s wellness programs. Get out of your chair and work at a treadmill desk. Workout in your companies corporate fitness center during lunch. Use a standing desk as much as you can. Take the stairs, ignore the elevator.
American companies are the beneficiaries of these new employee wellness activities. Yes, learning how to perform your job the best you can is important. But keeping yourself happy and healthy makes as much of a difference in your performance as job training.
What are your favorite wellness activities at your job?
This information about Corporate Wellness Innovations is approved by the Rent Fitness Equipment Company.