Best Conference Calls On A Treadmill Desk
Conference Calls On A Treadmill Desk.
Conference Calls On A Treadmill Desk
Have your best conference calls walking on a Treadmill Desk Workstation.
Your next conference call is with the management team at one of your biggest prospects. Call in time is 2:30 PM, so you bring your lap top, energy drink and iPhone, to the Treadmill Workstation. Turn on the treadmill and raise the elevation to 2% and raise the speed to 1.5 MPH. Put on your headset and log into the conference call.
Your clients will not even know you are walking, (unless you want to tell them).
You are walking and getting the oxygen flowing to your brain, raising your energy level. And amazingly your awareness increases and your alertness keeps you on top of the conversation. Keeping control of the meeting as you explain your product and benefits. You are running on all cylinders, operating your “Tablet” like a pro.
Walking during your conference call makes you the most interesting person in the meeting. Even adding to your credibility as the other people in the conference call learn you are walking at your workstation. Like the PRO you are!
Before the next question you take a swig of your energy drink and continue the conversation. On a roll like champ.
45 minutes of walking and talking flies by and you end the conference with a closing statement. Totally on your game. You stuck this meeting. . . Now when is the next conference call?
At the end of your conference call you look at your Fitbit and notice you walked 5,200 steps during your 45 minute call. Half way to your 10,000 steps daily goal. More added Wellness benefits.
The Office Of The Future will have treadmill desk workstations placed throughout the office for everyone to use all day long.
Once you handle a couple conference calls on your treadmill desk workstation you will never want to attend another conference call without walking.

Treadmill Desk Workstation
Conference calls on a Treadmill Desk will bring your performance to the next level.
You can read all about the benefits of walking during a conference call. But reading about it does not give you the advantage like actually doing it. Look into getting professional Treadmill Desk Workstations inside your busy office for all the employees to use throughout the day.

Steve Paterson
Steve Paterson invented the professional Treadmill Desk Workstation to be used inside a busy office.
A Heavy duty walking workstation to be used by everyone all day long.
To discuss the Walking Workstation for your Company
call Steve at 1-877-736-8348