Why Do Apartment MultiFamily Properties Have Crappy On-site Fitness Facilities?
Apartment properties need to stop providing crappy on-site fitness facilities.

After more than 20 years selling Commercial quality fitness equipment I have found Apartment multifamily properties to have the most crappy fitness equipment.

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This is not because they don’t care, but because they have no idea how to do it properly.
Now let’s get to the most important reason why a crappy quality on-site fitness facility hurts multifamily sales.
BECAUSE it hurts the process of leasing new residents.
Don’t even ask me how many multi-family apartment property fitness centers I have seen that were crappy. And worse, when I tried to upgrade them to Commercial grade fitness equipment. They told me that not enough residents were using the fitness facility to justify upgrading the crappy fitness equipment.
I would tell them, “Who would want to use your fitness facility in the condition it is in today?”
Now in 2015 it is very important to show prospective residents how your property helps them live a healthy fitness lifestyle where they live. In fact the best strategy is for the Apartment leasing agent to take the prospect to the fitness center, FIRST. Of course only after the facility has been upgraded to high quality.
Residents today have many options where to rent an apartment home. And renting an apartment home with a crappy Onsite fitness facility tells them, what else is crappy at this apartment property?
Now, if you could provide an awesome Commercial quality fitness amenity at only $10 dollars a month per apartment unit, how could this improve your leasing sales?
Let me tell you, it would make a huge difference that is worth way more than $10 dollars a month per unit.
Today, the internet will hurt your leasing effort if you have a crappy fitness facility. The easiest way to remove a CRAPPY opinion from your property online, is to Rent Health club quality fitness equipment with only a month-to-month agreement that includes all the regular equipment maintenance and all REPAIRS are free forever.
So you can provide a high quality on-site fitness facility and keep your expenses low while making it easy for your staff.
After you upgrade your fitness facility you need to take AWESOME photos and post them on your properties Website so Internet searchers can see that you care about your residents quality of Life.
So removing crappy, EASY, is a smart business decision.
Make your on-site Gym, Easy. Rent your fitness amenity and make your employees & residents happy. And sign up more leases and keep your residents living at your property longer.
Removing crappy fitness equipment from your property means a longer lifetime value from your residents.
It comes down to do what is an important investment in your property. And removing the crappy fitness equipment is a good investment in the success of your apartment property.
NO. . . buying your fitness equipment is not an asset.
When you purchase your fitness equipment it loses 70% of it’s value in just 24 months. It depreciates faster than your residents move to another apartment property. And you know that keeping your residents happy is better than looking for new residents.
The rent fitness equipment option is your best business decision.
Fitness equipment as a monthly service is the future for the On-Site fitness center amenity.
The Rent Fitness Company has helped many Apartment MultiFamily fitness center amenities. And we can help your property too.
Call our office today to start the conversation to upgrade your crappy On-Site fitness center.
CALL 877-RENT-FIT or email us at Rent@RentFitnessEquipment.com