Corporate Wellness in 2020, What Will It Look Like

Corporate Wellness in 2020
Corporate wellness in 2020, what is it going to look like?
The corporate model of wellness programs is changing quickly, as well it should. Putting the emphasis on the corporate workplace to keep employees healthy and productive. I am sharing a link to one of the best articles I have found on the future of corporate wellness. Talking about:
SHRM Survey of Wellness Initiatives.
collaborative responsibility partnership between employer and employee in implementing a wellness approach.
The increasingly aging workforce.
The evolution of the traditional health benefit offering to a health exchange model.
Creating a predictive, proactive and fact-based wellness management approach.
The spending of proactive wellness dollars for maximum ROI and decreasing the reactive spend on medical costs.
Targeted Wellness, and Wellness Exchanges.

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I found this article at Corporate Wellness Magazine a good read for anyone involved in the future of Corporate Wellness. The Rent Fitness Equipment Company is fully engaged with the future of workplace wellness. Education, Innovation and Preparation will be the moving forces on the future. Changing the current model of “Reactive Medical Spending” to “Proactive Wellness Spending.”
READ about the future of Corporate Wellness here: What will Workplace Wellness Look Like in 2020?