New Fitness Equipment Does Not Have The Warranty You Think You Get
New Fitness Equipment Does Not Have The Warranty You Think You Get.

Warranty Void
There is a hidden problem with your fitness equipment warranties when you purchase brand new equipment.
This is how the warranty problem plays out. Your company purchases brand new fitness equipment for your fitness center. Your new equipment comes with a 3 year warranty that covers 3 years on the frames. 2 years for all electrical and mechanical parts, excluding wear items such as the running belt and deck on treadmills. And one year of labor.
Sounds fair, right?

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Well, your warranty problems are hidden in the fine details. The one year of labor included in your warranty only covers labor when one of your fitness machines breaks and needs repairs. This does not include the labor to perform regular preventive maintenance on your gym machines. In the small print of your new purchase contract is stated the buyer must perform regular preventive maintenance tune-ups for every machine.
Your warranty is VOID if your property cannot prove that regular maintenance has been performed. As with any commercial fitness center, you gym equipment must be regularly maintained to keep it from breaking down. If your treadmill running belts are not properly lubricated every 150 hours of use, then the running belt will wear out. Once the belt wears down the extra friction created on the running surface will burn out your motor electronics. Most professional Health Clubs have a full time fitness tech on staff to perform this maintenance. Or has to purchase an expensive maintenance contract with an outside vendor.
When you call in your warranty claim and the service tech comes to your property to see what has happened. OOPS! This problem is not covered under warranty because it is clear you have not performed regular maintenance. So get out your check book.
The Rent Fitness Equipment Company was created to serve your industry. An industry that must have an fitness center to please your customers, but you are not in the fitness business. You are an expert in your industry, but managing a commercial fitness center is not one of your skills. Make it easy on yourself and your check book. Rent a turn-key fitness center and do not waste anymore time or pay for any more unexpected costs other than your monthly rental.
When you can Rent your health club quality fitness equipment for .79 cents an hour and get regular maintenance and FREE repairs forever, it’s an easy decision. Turn your problems into our problems for .79 cents an hour.
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