How To Launch A Corporate Wellness Program That Works  Here at Rent Fitness Equipment Company, we are very excited about all the improvements in the area of Corporate Wellness and Fitness.  Companies are making a big shift in spending predictable dollars on preventing sickness.  And working hard to lower the spend on unpredictable sickness care. Rent Gym Equipment.

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Employee wellness is something that matters to both employees and employers. A healthy employee is happier and more productive, which reflects well on the business and keeps everyone satisfied. But if you don’t have a formal corporate wellness program, you probably aren’t focusing enough on the health of your employees.

Health and wellness is a very personal thing, clearly benefiting the individual more than anyone or anything else. But the advantages of managing a workforce full of healthy employees extend far beyond the employee-side benefits. Businesses stand a lot to gain from putting employee wellness first. Let’s check out some of the specific benefits:

These are just a few of the business-side benefits of an investment in employee wellness, but they show the impressive return a formal health and wellness program can bring to the sponsoring organization.

Simply developing and launching a corporate wellness program isn’t enough. There’s a big difference between an average program and one that’s highly effective. According to the same Harvard Business Review report, organizations with programs that are deemed as having “low effectiveness” experience volunteer attrition rates of 15 percent, while companies with “highly-effective” programs see, on average, just 9 percent voluntary attrition. Specifically, software company SAS Institute has seen voluntary turnover drop from 19 percent in 2005 to just 4 percent more recently.

In other words, if you’re going to invest time, energy, and resources into developing and launching a corporate wellness program that’s aimed at producing the aforementioned benefits, you have to focus on a successful launch and execution. Via